General Updates
Season Ending
Not long to go now as the seasons end is drawing ever closer for both trout and salmon. As has been the theme for the past couple of weeks, a nice few fish to 14lbs were caught, and mostly released, with the majority of sport coming to the fly. An increased number of fresh fish running has been observed, however hooking up with one of these fish has proven to be difficult for most anglers. A good flood over the weekend has ensured that excellent water levels will see us out until the 30th, with the prospect of hooking up looking best on the fly. Tight lines for the next few days!!
More Dredging
Dredging work being carried out by Cork County Council at Bandon Bridge has now finished meaning some of the lower pools are now fishable once again. Tight lines!! Further to this, Inland Fisheries Ireland released the following statement recently with regards to the Bandon Flood Relief Scheme: Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) recognises the essential nature of the infrastructural works being carried out on the Bandon, Bridewell and Mill Stream Rivers as part of the Bandon Flood Relief Scheme by the Office of Public Works (OPW) for Cork County Council. Since early July 2016, IFI representatives from the South Western River Basin District have attended a number of meetings with Byrne Looby (engineering consultants to the OPW), the main contractor Wills Bros. Ltd., and RIVUS, ecological engineering consultants to the main contractor. IFI has made a number of recommendations in relation to the proposed method of dredging, the sediment management plan and solids level monitoring. Inland Fisheries Ireland contributed to the process in order to minimise any potential negative impact on the habitat, fish and aquatic invertebrate populations of the river. IFI is monitoring the trial dredging works and will bring any non-compliance with the conditions set out by the OPW to their immediate attention. Inland Fisheries Ireland has confidence in the expertise of the OPW and their consultants to ensure that the work is carried out with minimal impact to the environment.
Water levels over the past week have remained very steady due to periods of rain and overcast conditions. A nice few fish were caught and released on fly and spinner but most had been in the system a while. The high tides saw a small upturn in the amount of fresh fish running but they still arrived in small numbers. Dredging of the Bandon Bridge area commenced yesterday as gravel is being removed 15m above the bridge and 25m below. Further to this, Wills Bros. have commenced trial excavations upstream of O'Driscoll's footbridge. Anglers are reminded that these works will result in discolouration of the river downstream. Finally, members are requested to securely close gates and be mindful of landowners property, such as fencing, along the river. If you open a gate, please close it correctly. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Heavy Rain
Heavy rain over the last few days has seen the Bandon flowing at an excellent level for fishing. Good numbers of salmon were caught during the week on both fly and spinner. Some fresh bars of silver up to 14lb were reported on Sunday and Monday but they are not easy to find! Very good water levels should remain for the next few days at least.
Ebor Benson
Nice water levels this week have resulted in good numbers of salmon being caught once again. Fly anglers enjoyed most of the sport however most fish were stale and in the river quite a while. Some fresh salmon are running and have been seen the last couple of days again but in very low numbers. Rain promised over the weekend will see very good water levels continuing into next week.
Had the pleasure of rolling off some spey casts in front of the lens of Ebor Benson this evening. Check out his page: