Bandon Angling Association

General Updates

Bandon River Tributaries


As promised in our last post, please find the following video attached. This footage was captured on a variety of tributaries flowing into the Bandon River over the last couple of weeks. Monitoring spawning across the catchment is extremely important as it gives us an idea of fish numbers, what areas are important for spawning and what areas may need enhancement in order to improve spawning opportunities for trout and salmon. Enjoy!!

Trout Spawning


Great showing of trout spawning on the Bandon tributaries lately. During the year we raked gravel on sections of some tributaries as siltation was a problem. We are now seeing trout spawning in areas where we haven't been seeing them the last few years. We hope to fix the source of silt over the coming year in order to significantly enhance trout/salmon spawning and nursery habitat. Video of trout on redds to follow in the coming weeks.

The Public Consultation for Wild Salmon and Sea Trout Tagging Scheme Regulations 2017


The Public Consultation for Wild Salmon and Sea Trout Tagging Scheme Regulations 2017 has been released. The Bandon is open and has a Total Allowable Catch of 797. To view the whole document, follow the link attached.

2015 Statistics


Salmon and sea trout catch statistics for 2015. Don't forget to return this year's logbooks by Wednesday!

Season End


Another season done and dusted as the Bandon is now closed to trout and salmon fishing. Amazing looking back at the season and thinking how quickly it has gone by! Some nice fish were reported today with the biggest I saw estimated to weigh 12/13lbs caught on the fly. However, all were stale. Reflecting on the seasons salmon runs, the spring was better and far more encouraging, summer heralded a great run of grilse and summer salmon whilst the autumn was disappointing (an observation echoed nationwide and in the UK). Time to let the fish alone now and spawn the next generation to provide sport for years to come. We hope ye all enjoyed yer season and don't forget to return your logbooks to Inland Fisheries Ireland by October 19th. Roll on 2017!!🎣🎣🎣
